We offer you a trip around the world. Taste a careful selection of coffees from three continents. Taste their nuances and contrast acidity, body and aftertaste as you savor flavors from different territories of our planet.
COFFEE ORIGINS: PAPÚA NUEVA GUINEA SIGRI HIGHLANDS. Grown between 1600 meters southwest of the Pacific Ocean.
COFFEE ORIGINS: BURUNDI BOURBON KIBIRA from the heart of the African continent.
COFFEE ORIGINS: COLOMBIA ANTIOQUIA STA. BARBARA produced in the Andes Mountains of South America.
Find the nuances behind each bean and experiment with the senses. Each coffee condenses a way of understanding the culture and cultivation of coffee. With each bag you will have within reach of your palate the climatic singularities, type of harvesting and elaboration process. Discover yourself as a coffee lover and expand your horizons by having access to different coffees from around the world.
Lot of products for coffee lovers are three 250 g coffee bags with self-closing and opaque to optimize conservation of all the aroma and organoleptic qualities.